Tuesday, January 01, 2008

What were you doing New Year's Eve?

Happy New Year to every friend and associate of this fine blog. May 2008 bring you and your loved ones tremendous good, and none ill.

Whatever 2008 may deliver, we can be assured of one certainty: People will continue to behave in stupid ways. As proof of this assertion, we offer the following, all of which occurred within the final 24 hours of 2007:There's a brightness control on my computer monitor, but adjusting it doesn't make the people I read about on the Internet any brighter. I doubt that will change in 2008.

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3 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Blogger Sam offered these pearls of wisdom...

Here on my side of the world, we had a Jeep flip over and the driver run away on the Eve. Yep, "truthididty" is the new thing for 2008. By the way, I just made that word up. "Truth"+"stupididty"="truthidity". That should work for everyone this year.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Mr. Fabulous offered these pearls of wisdom...

You can get a pet buffalo? I want a pet buffalo!

6:07 PM  
Blogger SwanShadow offered these pearls of wisdom...

Sam: I hereby officially dub 2008 the International Year of Truthidity, in your honor.

Mr. Fab: I had a pet buffalo... but I ate him.

12:10 PM  

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