Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Whole lotta shakin' goin' on

Hey, kids...


We were in the car just leaving our Wednesday evening church study when we felt the thump. I thought I'd run over something, much as I did when the famous Loma Prieta quake hit back during the World Series in 1989.

Shifting bedrock due to unstable plate tectonics is one of the joys of residing here in beautiful Wine Country. We live practically a stone's chuck from the Rodgers Creek Fault, one of the most seismically active geological formations in this part of the world, and theoretically a potential site for The Big One they keep warning us about.

Not that I'm moving, mind you.

I mean, you probably have hurricanes or tornados or locust infestations or drunken rednecks running loose where you live.

I'll stick with the occasional temblors, thanks.

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