I'm a Funny Book Fanatic!
Today, however, we here at SSTOL are honored and more than a mite humbled to be recognized as Funny Book Fanatic's Blog of the Week.
Surprised, too, given that we deal with a diversity of pop culture whiz-bang here, and focus on comics and our lifelong affection for them only on Fridays. We're tickled by the notoriety, nonetheless.
Funny Book Fanatic was launched recently by comics industry veteran Dave Olbrich, who was founder and publisher of the late, much-lamented Malibu Comics for nearly a decade in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Dave was also one of the leading lights behind the development of the Eisner Awards, the comic book industry's annual equivalent to the Oscars. Therefore, the fact that our little effort here even landed on Dave's radar is wicked cool.
Then again, I love comics, and I attended college in Malibu. So I guess all of this serendipity makes some kind of cosmic sense.
In his blog post, Dave makes particular mention of our "Common Elements" commission series, with which Comic Art Friday regulars are familiar. It's only fitting that we flash back to this Common Elements creation by Darick Robertson, which features one of Malibu Comics' biggest stars, The Night Man, in pitched battle with Marvel's Night Thrasher. (Darick co-created The Night Man, and drew an extended run of New Warriors, starring Night Thrasher, back in the early '90s.)

Thanks to Dave Olbrich for the publicity and the ego-boo. Please be so kind as to check out Dave's Funny Book Fanatic, and dig the wealth of comics insider lore that's to be enjoyed there.
If you, too, are a funny book fanatic, it's a must-read.
Labels: Blogosphere, Comic Art Friday, Hero of the Day
4 insisted on sticking two cents in:
Will you still remember us little people now that you've acheived fame and fortune?
FTLT: You're presuming that I remembered you before. ;)
Will you let us kiss your ring if we promise never to look you directly in the eyes?
FTLT: Who do I look like? Tom Cruise?
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