Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Flogging the blog, DVD Verdict style

Over at DVD Verdict — which is, as you doubtless know, the premier pit stop for DVD reviews and critique on the entire Information Superhighway, and I'm not just saying that because I'm one of the associate editorsChief Justice Mike Jackson (not to be confused with Mr. I-Sleep-With-Kids-and-It's-Perfectly-Normal, now appearing in a courtroom near you) recently installed blogs for the Verdict's review staff. I'm planning to use mine (which you can view with pride here) for cross-posting some of the film- and television-related items that pop up here at SSTOL, so you regulars here (and you know who you are) need not feel as though you're missing anything.

However, I'd like to seize this opportunity to flack for the all-staff blog at the Verdict. There you'll be able to surf the randomly scattered thoughts of my 30-plus writing and editing colleagues, who comprise — in my never-all-that-humble opinion — the finest collection of film writers ever assembled under a single banner.

When you're done ogling the staff blog, you can feast your eyes and gray matter on a few of the 6,352 (and ever increasing) in-depth reviews the Verdict judges have adjudicated for your entertainment and edification.

So what are you sitting here for? Go grab some of that wholesome and tasty DVD Verdict goodness. You'll thank yourself in the morning.

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