Wednesday, October 06, 2004

WMDs prove harder to find than Waldo

The United States' lead arms inspector, Charles Duelfer, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee today that his investigation not only concluded that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction at the time the current Traq conflict began, but also that Saddam hasn't had any WMD capability since the 1991 Gulf War.

Color me...well...not shocked.

With Duelfer's testimony coming on the heels of former Iraq honcho Paul Bremer's remarks earlier in the week that the administration had botched the Iraq invasion by sending in too few troops, you can almost smell the flop sweat beading on brows all over the White House.

The President, for his part, continued to aver that, WMD or no, Saddam was a threat who justified preemptive action. So let's see...if I suspect (without any concrete evidence to support my suspicion) that you might shoot me someday, and I know you used to own a gun 13 years ago (even though there's no concrete evidence that you own one at present, or that you have owned one at any time in the past 13 years), I would be justified in bombing your house to smithereens.

I know I've said this before, but...that sounds a little like Minority Report, doesn't it?

1 insisted on sticking two cents in:

Blogger Joel offered these pearls of wisdom...

But Minority Report (the book, not the movie) had intelligence to back it up. This current administration, on the other hand....

9:30 AM  

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