Thursday, September 16, 2004

In memory yet green

I received both a lengthy phone call — when you're traversing the continent from Maine to California, anything longer than "Howdy!" is a lengthy call — and substantial follow-up e-mail from DL today...a most unusual occurrence.

We chatted in depth about the post I wrote a couple of months back about our interestingly circuitous friendship. We also talked a good bit about that one fateful incident of osculation (look that up in your Funk and Wagnalls) we shared one long-ago afternoon. Funny how two people occupying a proximate location in the space/time continuum can experience, and later recall, the same event so differently.

I'm sure I'll have more to write about this exchange, once I figure out exactly what it is I'm thinking. But the turning over of those recollections in the lapidary of my mind kept a Mona Lisa smile flitting across my face all afternoon.

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